When I first started working in IT you started knowing little and aspired to be that person in the office who knew everything. These people were the Googles and Bings of the office environment, just without the ads but often with the same levels of bias.
A couple of years ago I heard someone describing what the modern Software Architect is; they described the role not as someone who knows everything but as someone who can surround themselves with people who, collectively, do. It wasn't until I heard this description that I realised it was, in part, true. That there is seldom a single know-it-all in the office, but rather a group of people who collectively have that knowledge. It's not the entire story, there is still a modern set of skills people need to have around locating information and learning how to apply it to their particular problem (more on this in a later post).
One of the great things about being part of the Elastacloud team is that we have that group of people who collectively understand a lot, not only in terms of technical skills but also the softer skills such as presentation and communication. It's also a group of people who are continuously watching for new technologies and ways of working so that we can bring those innovations to our customers. Like many eyes can make all bugs shallow, having many minds can make all challenges solvable, making this just one of joys of having the right kind of people around you.